#gentoo-chat @ Libera.Chat stats by MetaNova

Statistics generated on Monday 31 March 2025 - 8:30:37
During this 1358-day reporting period, a total of 3637 different nicks were represented on #gentoo-chat.

Daily activity (last 7 days)
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Spawns_Carpeting77568256181041849456 16306069320422270886566431424 14339028.845.7today"this cpu has a floating point circuit calculator thing i guess"
2 sam_62985198561838135924 137146490905153169133686262279 10400397.641.8yesterday"someone keeps writing to the binutils ML with kind of drivel"
3 ztrawhcse3431577761409922342 7853240601091599182677271752 95203812.170.8yesterday"dev-util/glslang surprisingly provides /usr/bin/glslang :D"
4 genr8eofl2650992762955436428 10176721530485037272805301255 8744018.646.9today"the tss2 packages are kind of confusing in library form"
5 username2343524759431251818773 7248133851463328135794188841 72647710.058.8today"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFzUlDzt0MM <-- whaaaa?"
6 Jannik209911461125942435145435 938418812096931188439346154 7196447.742.4yesterday"I thought chroot wants to see the PID dirs for... something"
7 cow3958373462717943652 11776023144746327168433266423 7126306.133.8today"username234: did you see the hardened cowinator"
8 xxc3nsoredxx54168119208528 7486348246410784181084 6740609.049.166 days ago"casinos can have poker rooms too"
9 Kangie3757727149678713883 8539629106321455357895104404 6679157.843.7today"kgdrenefort: haha. War crime simulator 2000?"
10 Arsen457968451953227121 580772950848787129852175508 3836556.636.85 days ago"i mean C is just funny mostly portable asm"
11 malina7024569056777355 2574696377794717985296280 35198013.770.6yesterday"your 3060Ti will be pretty decent for gaming in a vm"
12 Viperlin11981612427328 464429272947630202920 3513997.639.9yesterday"are painsticks lines of java"
13 Tatsh143128755647310698 40238122759793335831490258 3506648.747.19 days ago"Really get it to the standard"
14 xiaomiao10902124566147 2967711045511916356146 2876209.756.2yesterday"I tried watching DS9, people have such severe amnesia"
15 hairu1344310593653413449 4401973582568113692181174 2484885.631.2yesterday"No, he's semi retired; next work day is Tuesday"
16 awilfox8229719621812992 2059891841814882509732846 23127211.262.0yesterday"> "Salesforce will not hire engineers in 2025""
17 redcheckers7851194021006349 1824096778232732772375366 22314012.264.7496 days ago"Kangie: not all governments ^_^"
18 JayF441819309445 159496024628434132266 22296414.077.22 days ago"Oh that's another patch that's similar nevermind"
19 `]6211478912121 234385594642583110722 2119279.050.4yesterday"Exactly to avoid being used in ICBMs"
20 Naib2429889512253 245141873982277135498204 1965248.044.8yesterday"or stick with rust-bin. i gave up with rust bootstrapping..."
21 zen_desu694627388452 18270696303031890485 19200210.556.2yesterday"that is how big it is uncompressed lol"
22 kgdrenefort13607102401761 26128969717814010896 1898347.339.2yesterday"touch /etc/portage/package.use/zz-autounmasks"
23 immolo3811279552576770 1863334267265145546471075 18732010.151.3yesterday"I've been doing it free like a chump for years!!!"
24 hololeap7623439117404872 1862677001435961712647664 18538710.055.7today"> countWordLenths ["hi", "hello", "goodbye"]"
25 iamben82047012 154909383480308 17737211.563.0yesterday"i dont know exactly how people get there but they do"
26 wikky5392486810548 213714637462153934782115 1723148.145.4yesterday"com.sun.java.ProcessFactory.CreateProcessWithArgumentsBean("
27 Psyb3rN4ut364142102994 1211715464512055911339005 16478713.678.6yesterday"Tikosh: and russia "welcome" him"
28 Alfr532622635838 1490657892170722339161984 16033910.866.32 days ago"kgdrenefort, but it is the flaws that make them relatable ..."
29 ajak749930247998 192846060563732436264299 1556398.145.236 days ago"yeah that's when you drop the "system" keys and use your own"
30 needle570459022345 148589009543385613922297 1417839.552.3yesterday"equired by gui-libs/aquamarine-0.5.0::gentoo"
31 cihancan875565274441 208316793582354276129816 1376056.634.7today"an american should watch this video"
32 epenguin76115462 1386468571684951388 1278969.248.57 days ago"sry i mistyped, im bumping 1.0.0-r3 to 1.0.0-r4"
33 z6np248623553253 961431491321611946040273 12338512.869.8yesterday"In the Fallout games the US annexes Canada :P"
34 tdr395320023966 104794230522757624343813 11511811.059.9393 days ago"it happens, its okay. sometimes we just umount /run and sigh ;)"
35 vimproved414730855375 12852348252691846633 1109038.648.27 days ago"i have now found and fixed my first LLVM 20 bug"
36 negril203542028658 154331458242273069161134 1106347.241.2today"if not I will get back to you :)"
37 ezzieyguywuf368832004037 10999378333249039335 11046110.055.0today"guess I was just one version too old"
38 duxsco1699228734435221 1265014850209493020244223 1102248.751.64 days ago"you could get one of those handbag dogs"
39 joecool199820432733 71642815829145550437241 10004814.076.57 days ago"none of the images load on theguardian.com"
40 Nickli52275467 12971815943226394539003 998417.743.12 days ago"seems like the pebble is back https://repebble.com/"
41 Smiley247267574179 13687176664943830478 996937.340.05 days ago"ah lol i was failing to set the variable, silly me"
42 elsandosgrande 47712188196882912725421 8611718.1104.623 days ago"(For the front-end thing, not the LTO thing)"
43 Digit19621698 5429324422409524043 8249815.289.72 days ago"ipv4, so much more human weildly."
44 cmyster441233012212 10053376442622616072 808868.042.511 days ago"work maintains a package based on the bunto 22.04 package"
45 Kelsar189829414438 95592602163132404535214 781748.244.8today"got different experience so far, atleast with coding modells"
46 trashboat77791794 1055965345693713014 768467.339.56 days ago"..there are no silly questions. just silly nicknames"
47 nedko32391979 69113883135433473120170 7232710.559.77 days ago"add an ampere for 2.5 hdd spinup"
48 Milo27682087 61444008110863291822271 7028311.463.29 days ago"other option is to somehow provide screen mirroring"
49 ted-ious2362 57972825116546910614994 6889711.965.9497 days ago"That's probably what the guy in the video would do."
50 qookie29402840 73712792222501150825907 675879.252.0yesterday"not a pointer to the unit type"
51 truffle3040 5350775635233157084877 6357411.962.130 days ago"ooh nice, anything grandma's make is always the best haha"
52 edlou201231321797 7048167743075715149 634399.048.3939 days ago"those earbuds look very large in comparison to the dacamp"
53 MetaNova32343121 84372407557271037723249 634287.542.85 days ago"I'm aware they are not the same"
54 soloslinger3211 513121289221238076 6300512.368.4yesterday"I've made worse investments. I don't regret that one yet."
55 lemonxah30131999 6440307811898710815 615339.648.023 days ago"we didn't have trash80s in south africa"
56 repoman48203153 10030286997119500419226 600486.032.116 days ago"carolina was the name of my highschool crush username234"
57 plebe30352135 66482516922411249419927 598319.045.6177 days ago"whre else can you watch unlimites 1 1/2 star movies?"
58 ionen 536016859108361466217286 5964311.162.1today"(and you can do `ninja clean`)"
59 steeznson2253 406616484323229859 5912814.581.2yesterday"engineers vs code artisans"
60 Corvus19992148 59591918448201370020774 584789.854.81146 days ago"plebe: yes, if you get hit by 220V, youre dead!"
61 navi176923682100 6307148752253819175 571409.148.99 days ago"using rust's c ffi mechanisms"
62 spacedust18583312 76221184069151271623667 551387.240.19 days ago"my phone is smarter then my computer :)"
63 Ninpo2848 59242692624061442810976 547369.250.12 days ago"so, click, trio, attrs, pendulum, roll up roll up"
64 violet 41492071917349207414360 5450213.170.7today"i dont understand it at all"
65 luke-jr3332 6177278362080962013399 529358.648.0144 days ago"you MUST start with their blobs"
66 _shawn 41191429382791721111104 5088712.466.3273 days ago"take nand to tetris, and then start soldering"
67 amp9720652510 4860214522613212641450 5029810.353.323 days ago"snapshot every 5 min, thats how often u update on arch linux"
68 stefan1111119403093 5998263561261595925099 498198.348.990 days ago"cow: gcc is already written in c++"
69 biberao349018276163 1151113820743825471 468094.121.3611 days ago"it should be you need a better setup"
70 willikins 3001166216451904614286 4640415.5113.3yesterday"lemme take care of that for you, Kangie"
71 kurly2099 351727554135234501 4572613.071.8660 days ago"~11 min left before launch"
72 Tikosh2246 5654183451330757548198 456048.144.3yesterday"Spawns_Carpeting: im still learning"
73 mrus16881704 4014176563830288019605 4397111.063.0898 days ago"jb1277976: for pdf in *.pdf; do zathura "$pdf"; wait; done ? :-)"
74 shamoe20571762 5291170481475511468 437448.347.313 days ago"No action has been taken yet genr8eofl"
75 yuken21341710 59081482310519632511760 434277.439.9670 days ago"this is how I heat my bedroom"
76 bujeddhazeus19092348 70341100266171080414863 432866.234.11067 days ago"jcbjoe2021: why not continue the multi-deity nick trend?"
77 breavyn2304 4620214151420550501996 426669.251.4230 days ago"if it doesn't have snapshots it's not worth considering"
78 libfud 41091467126601168813606 4262510.456.911 days ago"is it worth the price difference for you?"
79 dblsaiko2089 4482788212291293620269 423169.451.9yesterday"username234: it's a tradeoff"
80 zgu 3415130881003517926 4104912.066.6today"does ubuntu get one booth per desktop environment?"
81 mali 3026152369939466410569 4040813.470.27 days ago"again, I'd try it in one of the other slots might help"
82 aggi 3094104826104910813771 3946512.878.5221 days ago"no other MAC system could do this"
83 shadow2552097 4549536519181876413399 394468.748.72 days ago"market timing is a fierce game"
84 OtzmaVindicus 3436843565011205610037 3702910.863.12 days ago"is the inside statistically independent of the outside?"
85 tt_12940 47924767230799062 369297.740.6yesterday"monsieur Kangie was looking for help with chromium on reddit"
86 kchibisov 3609443932051545913596 3669910.256.412 days ago"genr8eofl: you generally don't need derivative in compute stuff."
87 NeddySeagoon1927 359631591317517026 336359.453.1yesterday"grep -i media /var/lib/portage/world"
88 sokan1995 4055119034921279015871 333438.244.556 days ago"https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Android/adb <-- how can I fine th..."
89 DanF 260713933307314896 3190212.267.4676 days ago"genr8eofl_: something like this https://codeshare.io/9OENL4 ?"
90 alicela1n 303610954469514795 3110710.255.5888 days ago"It’s the middle of summer"
91 zedmatrix 3111105705708345511275 3100810.052.9today"hmm maybe dracut got cowified"
92 fourHZ2068 30502218810820560 3089810.154.912 days ago"maybe not lossy more like changing things"
93 juippis 31849851137086492 301999.554.4yesterday"nah, can't seem to make firefox crash when built with gcc-15 :("
94 wuseman 240262394494553613735 3000412.566.7191 days ago"yo friend. hows is your day?"
95 rrogalski 260513741313126829670 2922411.259.150 days ago"awilfox, why do you hate global use"
96 zukunf 320210016122705826 284828.953.128 days ago":( another missing include"
97 pask19551833 4337129091765196111217 278526.435.271 days ago"Yeah. I have a chemex, they're not great at heat retention"
98 hangint3n2469 39123713167727255 278077.137.42 days ago"if you want control your info stay off the intrrweb"
99 tarel2 190626409826109033856 2722514.369.95 days ago"What is the C part of the interpreter?"
100 LemanR 161980071945581411425 2719116.891.1592 days ago"typo mean't E15 and it is, one sec"

These didn't make it to the top:
ultratux (26560) koollman (25759) muffindrake (25593) shadowless (24715) marcopolo1 (24497)
slackin (24366) bluearc (24137) aphysically (23937) hl521 (23912) Plakkis (23665)
bj52 (23550) chris218 (23141) satmd (22626) bluearc_ (22027) abacus (21224)
dmb (20439) ano (20337) hyperedge (20251) inode33_matrix (20074) thelinuxuser (19360)
NateDoge (19192) genericum (18797) Steven_M (18504) doc235 (18489) wisefriday (18447)
NHO (17687) chaseleif (17659) Th|ef (17484) wyrm (16978) zlg (16661)
rrogalski[rich] (16221) unrealapex (16194) DrEeevil (16171) lts (16064) hanetzer (16057)
ghostbuster (15837) sheep (15690) shadowdao (15672) earendil (15540) nopjmp (15145)
c17637da (14838) chadmed (14805) leio (14710) RickAstley (14680) nasmConnoisseur (14572)
Fester^ (14429) katp32 (14332) Crocodillian (14172) MiraSkies (13938) TinyTimmyTokyo (13920)
e21e3941 (13847) bonsaikitten (13729) novns (13649) rlikon (13582) tox2ik (13474)
unhappy-ending (13424) Guest69420 (13338) UndrWater (13250) rich____ (13153) shadowdaemon (12900)
XFaCiEer (12818) nevertoolate (12625) TheMilkMan (12621) k9spud (12618) wraeth (12502)
O0c (12461) tiotags (12379) jcbjoe2021 (12314) lazysundaydreams (12301) RobbieAB (12278)
zetaE (11886) dfdx (11824) Forza (11674) CyberTailor (11452) krushia (11099)
kucklehead (10639) spreader (10566) Latrina (10401) Irish (10378) stefan1111 (10356)
stintel (10200) Herodion45 (10072) CWSmith (9907) thrice (9647) Phantom (9541)
navirc (9492) x8dcc (9451) Psi-Jack (9326) yardmax (9240) tlhonmey (9223)
The_Buhs (9200) tgbugs (9126) zChris (9109) invra (9093) Cheaterman (9018)
KevinTheCow (8983) dani-g5x[m]1 (8978) CashDash123 (8936) catcream (8887) rrogalski_ (8807)

By the way, there were 3429 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Spawns_Carpeting - 77568 Kangie - 27149 genr8eofl - 29554 Spawns_Carpeting - 49456
2 sam_ - 62985 Spawns_Carpeting - 25618 cow - 27179 Jannik2099 - 45435
3 xxc3nsoredxx - 54168 sam_ - 19856 Jannik2099 - 24351 cow - 43652
4 cow - 39583 kgdrenefort - 13607 Arsen - 19532 genr8eofl - 36428
5 Kangie - 37577 Jannik2099 - 12594 sam_ - 18381 sam_ - 35924
6 username234 - 35247 xxc3nsoredxx - 11920 ztrawhcse - 14099 Viperlin - 27328
7 ztrawhcse - 34315 xiaomiao - 10902 username234 - 12518 Arsen - 27121
8 genr8eofl - 26509 hairu - 10593 xiaomiao - 12456 ztrawhcse - 22342
9 Tatsh - 14312 genr8eofl - 9276 Spawns_Carpeting - 10418 username234 - 18773
10 hairu - 13443 cihancan - 8755 kgdrenefort - 10240 Kangie - 13883

Big numbers
Is O0c stupid or just asking too many questions? 42.7% lines contained a question!
OtzmaVindicus didn't know that much either. 39.1% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was bluearc, who yelled 22.8% of the time!
Another old yeller was bluearc_, who shouted 22.4% of the time!
It seems that mane's shift-key is hanging: 6.5% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <mane> :DD

Irish just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.2% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
Steven_M brings happiness to the world. 40.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
spacedust isn't a sad person either, smiling 30.9% of the time.
edlou seems to be sad at the moment: 9.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
doc235 is also a sad person, crying 7.0% of the time.
tlhonmey wrote the longest lines, averaging 123.1 letters per line.
#gentoo-chat average was 49.5 letters per line.
biberao wrote the shortest lines, averaging 21.3 characters per line.
mane was tight-lipped, too, averaging 28.4 characters.
Spawns_Carpeting spoke a total of 1433902 words!
Spawns_Carpeting's faithful follower, sam_, didn't speak so much: 1040039 words.
juano wrote an average of 62.00 words per line.
Channel average was 8.96 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 `] (15 names) [^^], ]``[, [``], hentai, Pornography, ^^^^, Stallman, porn, edit_21, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, ...
2 Smiley (6 names) @Smiley, @SmileyG, SmileyG, +Smiley, +SmileyG, Smiley
3 Spawns_Carpeting (5 names) Spawns_Carpeting, +Spawns_Carpeting, Spawns_Carpet[m], Spawns, Spawns_Carpet
4 Kangie (4 names) +Work-Kangie, +Kangie, Kangie, Work-Kangie
5 z6np (4 names) +z6np-6w, +z6np, z6np, @z6np

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 think 57968 Spawns_Carpeting
2 about 56892 violet
3 Would 49404 Spawns_Carpeting
4 because 43407 violet
5 really 36018 negril
6 something 33010 Spawns_Carpeting
7 which 32457 violet
8 should 32023 cihancan
9 thing 31293 Spawns_Carpeting
10 stuff 30879 Spawns_Carpeting

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 gentoo 44820 Kangie
2 people 33398 Spawns_Carpeting
3 Spawns_Carpeting 33363 username234
4 sam_ 29112 username234
5 cow 23402 Steven_M

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :) 28006 Steven_M
2 :D 16911 kgdrenefort
3 :P 12628 Kangie
4 ;) 8884 She
5 :( 7082 genr8eofl
6 :p 4516 malina
7 :/ 2766 zen_desu
8 ;-P 1714 username234
9 :-) 1526 Steven_M
10 :^) 1230 qookie

#gentoo-chat karma
 Nick Karma Good karma by Bad karma by
1 username234 12 bluearc_, sokan, `], ezzieyguywuf, shadow255, bluearc, awilfox, sam_, MetaNova, cow, ...
2 iamben 11 Kelsar, tdr, cow, Smiley, shadow255, bluearc, ztrawhcse, cmyster, bluearc_, ezzieyguywuf, ...
3 ztrawhcse 10 rrogalski__, Arsen, rich__, _shawn, sam_, awilfox, bluearc, shadow255, wikky, `]
4 xxc3nsoredxx 8 z6np, ztrawhcse, awilfox, sam_, hololeap, MetaNova, ted-ious, cow
5 Viperlin 8 wikky, `], bluearc_, Milo, shadow255, MetaNova, Spawns_Carpeting, sam_
6 Kangie 8 ajak, bluearc_, hairu, spacedust, `], xxc3nsoredxx, tdr, sam_
7 genr8eofl 8 Kelsar, cow, z8np, bluearc_, spacedust, ted-ious
8 Naib 6 redcheckers, soloslinger, shadow255, Viperlin, hololeap, sam_
9 JayF 6 MetaNova, awilfox, sam_, cow, bluearc, shadow255
10 Jannik2099 6 Viperlin, sam_, `], cow, ztrawhcse, bluearc
11 sam_ 6 xxc3nsoredxx, awilfox, Spawns_Carpeting, ajak, shadow255, milesrout
12 awilfox 5 sam_, JayF, xxc3nsoredxx, nedko, ztrawhcse
13 Arsen 5 ztrawhcse, cow, bluearc, sam_, soap
14 hololeap 5 MetaNova, Jannik2099, sam_, Viperlin, cow
15 Spawns_Carpeting 4 ztrawhcse, cow, MetaNova, wikky, sam_ hairu
16 xiaomiao 4 cmyster, Viperlin, bluearc_, `]
17 MetaNova 4 Viperlin, Spawns_Carpeting, `], ajak
18 riic 3 Arsen, Spawns_Carpeting, qookie
19 ajak 3 adumb, redcheckers, tdr
20 breavyn 3 xxc3nsoredxx, redcheckers, awilfox
21 juippis 3 zlg, ztrawhcse, thrice
22 shadow255 3 bluearc, qwerty, MetaNova
23 wikky 3 cmyster, MetaNova, bluearc, cow `]
24 satmd 2 wikky, MetaNova
25 edlou 2 `], ajak
26 malina 2 z6np, cmyster
27 sam 2 cow, z8np
28 libc 2 sam_, Jannik2099
29 steeznson 2 bluearc, cow
30 tdr 2 hairu, Viperlin
31 Smiley 2 cmyster, redcheckers
32 zgu 2 sam_, hairu
33 weed 2 dmb, trashboat
34 muffindrake 2 bluearc, cmyster
35 willikins 2 `], rrogalski_
29 remakes -1 cmyster
28 china -1 redcheckers
27 closed-source -1 tamiko
26 username235 -1 awilfox
25 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/lang/string.html#hashcode -1 xxc3nsoredxx
24 cold -1 cmyster
23 slack -1 cmyster
22 office -1 cmyster
21 prod -1 cmyster
20 verbosity -1 hololeap
19 school -1 cmyster
18 clippy -1 rrogalski__
17 troll -1 satmd
16 wh -1 tdrowaway
15 docs -1 cmyster
14 (git--) -1 xxc3nsoredxx
13 humidity -1 Kangie
12 gtk -1 cmyster
11 pim -1 cmyster
10 extrawork -1 Smiley
9 soloslinger -1 ztrawhcse
8 Oxyd -1 `]
7 meetings -1 cmyster
6 or -1 mer
5 clang -1 ztrawhcse
4 places -1 ajak
3 work -1 cmyster
2 mornings -1 cmyster
1 repoman -1 ajak

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 https://hypernova.awfulnet.org/gentoo-chat.html 28 trashboat
2 https://memleek.org/gentoo-chat.txt 25 steeznson
3 https://0x0.st 21 genr8eofl
4 https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/by-others/funroll-loops/Ge 18 trashboat
5 https://dilfridge.blogspot.com/2021/09/experimental-binary-g 18 ztrawhcse

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #gentoo-chat!
Wow, no op was taken on #gentoo-chat!
No actions in #gentoo-chat!
cow talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 1037 times!
Another lonely one was sam_, who managed to hit 1033 times.
nono1 has quite a potty mouth. 2.4% words were foul language.
LfSSpMTHVmM also makes sailors blush, 1.1% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 2256512.