##chat @ Libera.Chat stats by MetaNova

Statistics generated on Saturday 9 November 2024 - 3:30:17
During this 1486-day reporting period, a total of 7133 different nicks were represented on ##chat.

Daily activity (last 7 days)
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 mijowh11719161053769032908 9842295467128685294363256680 7751957.942.2198 days ago"timeline works out, too. 50 years is about 2070"
2 FloridaMan11013228701784727777 7950788859185172129637202747 6064157.642.22 days ago"This was all during my 21st birthday lol"
3 yuken1458187951926822120 6476412414773356157165178700 5333688.246.8today"Men are generally rugged with coarser features."
4 Kitten_in_TX134021306416380 43764171726141453192948 51531111.864.491 days ago"Kitchen cleaner and scouring pads."
5 FlowerRazorDice1860022658 42136220641247367 47980211.460.4yesterday"Oh yeah, oregon sucks, I forgot."
6 MetaNova555999402216620367 580323772068179153314131759 3909726.738.7today"what aspects about it do you like?"
7 Valeria2233481043810806 2522537230127605123965 29544611.764.2today"Wait until you see neshpion."
8 dumptrucktaco1329820850 3449191811141295 2350766.838.0today"I'm busy working on a spreadsheet."
9 herald8792998676368973 3538760136583904120748726 2084595.931.3503 days ago"smile vamp, its national joy day"
10 tinwhiskers6185647610053 236145001963915663487492 2005368.545.2today"I'm not getting you in trouble.... I don't get it."
11 Vultyre7322130152279 229016298611462019528 1996408.747.888 days ago"It's scotch so the 'e' is wrong :/"
12 guideX534357724679 167639944648226645051676 19289211.561.1yesterday"computers these days are so much better"
13 tinystoat543573143536 170005681073000315266478 1678149.954.5669 days ago"BlueyHealer: all sorts of "funny" events. ;))"
14 icedjava37840596921479 201475382711047860511273 1663648.343.0320 days ago"yeah can't you make the firewall not work pls!"
15 skye0143559782414 102756905219709775838353 16498616.186.3yesterday"x8502 latency is the biggest issue I have with BT"
16 yukiup12919426721139 39098550481621087433 1619174.122.1today"does this mean you get a brand new bike for free?"
17 BlueyHealer323444444262 12112432155600655154 15672012.970.9544 days ago"Maybe someone knows, sorry for the question."
18 blkshp1772377116589 2289012766259331111875191 1550776.835.2279 days ago"mijowh: the fear disappeared"
19 LooCfur6233254320103898 1468458338230332057538214 1401609.550.37 days ago"I'm trying to massage the poison, or whatever is in my hand, out"
20 mornfall2688261043804175 1385327625245094248738225 1328469.653.7182 days ago"pickled gnats don't sound very appetizing, tbh"
21 nshire534428134968 134974791830942461843522 1191528.848.7today"tinsoldier, what was the smallest doom installation size"
22 SineDeviance58933761 98826647345938 11519011.762.385 days ago"well, it's up to the universe now :D"
23 mlu628016683448 121765401664621497834148 1096049.049.1today"I remove pores with medical tape :)"
24 ThePendulum2507129933442232 938226957155603853326520 10757011.561.6today"I think the concern is more about the average than about the top"
25 AeonSophia13082653 52322508379075229715763 10105019.3108.0748 days ago"FloridaMancer, some of them are double-edged"
26 dave01141447853816 20445579152255518234 999864.926.3today"you get rebuilt after you die"
27 greeter42301025 65026142348911528213445 9504114.677.3today"tinsoldier: tell me a joke about europa64"
28 The_Blode277728904498 104202606126218389102358 935479.046.761 days ago"So what's the topic tonight?"
29 JBritS130065094047 127215572101094881026917 914087.238.4888 days ago"I'd hope so herald I'm on loke my 7th cup heh"
30 fac347162497 788049550276506378 8476510.856.9today"It renders in the terminal"
31 outrageous1127172347161825 93918828153143599915245 753868.043.8today"Why put an Rpi inside a lightbulb? To keep it warm? :P"
32 TheEditor246915343178 77742380662731497229903 749549.652.4916 days ago"Why would I pay yearly for a card I don't use"
33 duckgoose271719766451 11171181741224842533 730556.533.7888 days ago"yuken shoot a duck and see how long it takes the FWS to come"
34 LuckyMan457912863415 9815347543400830224373 708297.236.52 days ago"europa64, have a nice dinner"
35 She19711999 4806725857672766526956 6764614.180.12 days ago"Happens to the best of us!"
36 euouae2471128727091168 76352194511003245239906 673778.848.026 days ago"it's a lie, at most you may have to just replace the water"
37 anohito263013063096 7235244211006929311 649259.048.1346 days ago""The Pentagon sees to it that i know more than you". ✌️"
38 Jck_true34742207 586839119235002224 6488011.162.7today"UTF-8 was a godsend to spoofers..."
39 jessicara115836962493 8264724392192965017905 640177.740.9876 days ago"the newer ones half of the time have pockets"
40 gegoxaren29924910 877242712128536393 632007.241.2today"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay1YR9Z3VNI"
41 hiya213631661982 7461161802574115882 590077.942.210 days ago"it literally means someting"
42 scottpedia1622111029383135 8805959070611975120895 572976.535.2651 days ago"my view is just everybody's view"
43 Czernobog58173331 978232767173423474 540665.528.58 days ago"why did they have to integrate snap"
44 hackinghorn3044324919882596 108771406815081937611968 504934.624.328 days ago"people go to church and still get divorces, it doesnt mean much"
45 snowhawk1496141345636250 13722538647511652323004 496643.618.0207 days ago"i need to tell my doc this"
46 roosterphant112733741879 655283012739612617 495017.639.9330 days ago"but yep who can tell when its happening"
47 redlegion313824611074 667822707174575926 461006.937.2today"hmm... something doesn't add up"
48 Nick01143838556390 12564543230101388423532 458583.617.7282 days ago"i think things will work out"
49 Altomon1059224038042473 9576459998451885212467 457634.823.931 days ago"at least it's not something wild"
50 shadow255214026971073 6523331315793191656971 452426.938.3yesterday"dumptrucktaco: what faster than which?"
51 LimeOn201536812247 85133045110541924411566 449095.328.3382 days ago""do as I say and not as I do", FlowerRazorDice"
52 yune171016402074 56901271017601320115637 433087.642.3450 days ago"Can't speak to which is boning you, atm"
53 kee24671689 498266611992914532 416458.449.0878 days ago"I don't think we can trust this dictionary."
54 calmclam13121441 4193801559351262514342 409179.852.8601 days ago"Yeah, you might rock the boat"
55 teaki12981795 4151125938534110117731 399599.651.5495 days ago"fruit scones also makes no sense"
56 Ferris11481862 361512497208785648 3937210.959.120 days ago"enjoy your coffee, whatever electron state it is in"
57 live112969951612 4195128259089149662070 389509.351.086 days ago"nowadays it's sane to keep creating rather than "consuming""
58 neshpion18464520 71824630973722771 372995.228.42 days ago"+quoteadd yukiup "1 1/2 is about as long as it gets""
59 rosco19891403 4374166401122553053557 367278.445.78 days ago"what if you want to write hta"
60 Fenderbassist20302296 5081171336051464516741 367047.238.93 days ago"https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e6GPJhDeRYQ"
61 SummerEmacs192414801239 466916612110168591 362907.839.0309 days ago"i hope you're feeling better!"
62 erist 275481731023378559669 3593013.073.021 days ago"Oh well, I'm off my game... and every other game evidently."
63 droptone2103 355521913867022482323 351549.953.2848 days ago"For me, we always hung in #pain, #phreak, #hack, #2600, #allied"
64 Hoffman172322291495 559910918137769492 350436.334.6924 days ago"$ echo 'banana' | sed '{saaaoag}'"
65 lexdysia117616571318 428594669021360211038 350088.244.5today"the rules of the channel are pretty clear"
66 SymbioticFemale1383 352171057108137446341 342989.752.9468 days ago"i think the alcohol i drank was not worth drinking"
67 luca0N20753121 625511887167854520 338595.429.4today"hardcoded: I think there are some off-the-record clients"
68 Yurii1849 304610544186202516 3189910.556.024 days ago"ew imagine paying for discord"
69 mapbot1262 26086381969715056 3159312.167.1697 days ago"justin__, not so well, poorly organized! You?"
70 Lopyt16091063 300216763361110633 3100710.354.8103 days ago"Anyone else write music here?"
71 gspbirel5618901679 395691814548129941919 303797.740.510 days ago"Well you can always have one object with two other objects in it"
72 aspirin20804658 6748964120613 302804.524.5416 days ago"dumptrucktaco: can't say i've never done that"
73 riff-IRC1180 376787546237495010305 302468.044.6886 days ago"maybe a 4cyl Toyota Corolla?"
74 benjaminikuta 247736066700114008446 3015212.269.9411 days ago"Thanks, that means a lot to me."
75 CrashB10831876 403676445085343813923 300907.537.427 days ago"metanova what are you trying to say?"
76 MrMattsmind123018721985 546618157572985010673 299105.529.01120 days ago"it's tough trying to be a one man game dev crew"
77 DunceCotus14701734 448188411169564331788 287576.437.0616 days ago"https://voca.ro/1c0D0ZiLWchM - Pearls before the [redacted]"
78 catbeard10661712 385670511389653313492 284657.440.5383 days ago"looking for something to host code-server and thelounge"
79 spammy17453658 61903241811115992 279294.523.52 days ago"better than touching down on me"
80 gog98520061092 41757514125106982 275786.633.9today"outrageous: did you burn your house down"
81 semsogg157715612633 59236648810912068 274474.623.523 days ago"and uhhhhhhhhh epic games launcher i guess"
82 wildeboskat1348 299831555793122865924 271589.146.110 days ago"Yeah the wages there are bad"
83 snake10991002 27966555116128823 270219.749.6225 days ago"yeah that was part of the inspiration for that character as well"
84 tekisui27822164 633534661194388602637 269064.222.031 days ago"yes we used a disk to install the mouse"
85 npm_i_kurbus1716 385937236244114295157 265536.936.1yesterday"depends on their client, usually yes"
86 swee160517082248 58187956902721210239 263094.524.04 days ago"Even the smallest of details, I noticed lmao"
87 wedr11481183 24271289211990980 2601310.759.282 days ago"black spots, as in metal pitting?"
88 Guimauve 21108590686440716460 2598512.367.4607 days ago"the question is too much philosophy for 6:30am :P"
89 hype104211051079 40756228768270674939 259166.435.9484 days ago"I'm watching Friday Night Baseball on Apple TV+."
90 Purplebored13231182 36533988865082754625 255387.034.1today"and even more i preffer native clients"
91 BurningMemory1446 310044741187138825221 254488.244.74 days ago"just make sure to clear it frequently"
92 emeruby1067 23196396894641310985 2493110.861.1589 days ago"i just wanted to do a word scramble ;_;"
93 vii_majesty12164957 72423572168433853 245313.416.9today"are you developing your own bios as well"
94 critr 24096404408495504356 2439410.155.81050 days ago"ok, sounds like you have it covered, yuken. you're a smart kid."
95 nvz1011 189513097705622391984 2437612.966.01047 days ago"was just being that old perv"
96 Helenah 2744769490137096 243518.946.71055 days ago"FloridaMan, I was still bitten for walking a public path."
97 thiccdaddy14661150 39503919543980946872 243246.232.9479 days ago"MetaNova: https://i.redd.it/tsrftttt4y381.jpg"
98 mbiscuit118311621034 3379865579457686 242867.239.3698 days ago"blkshp: your monke brain has that override switch?"
99 mane24291000 477541641234052262466 241965.126.6today"I paid for the coffee already"
100 FalalaloridaMan1038 31763861774953297149 240887.641.5666 days ago"Have you sung and yunetide carols this year?"

These didn't make it to the top:
armin (23994) zvijezda (23559) TheLinuxNerd (23228) kurahaupo (23222) Trippy72894 (23085)
varjack (22631) vekin (22059) Ox7C5 (21791) Aidhan (20936) Kel (20763)
vu (19887) tinytoast (19719) dTal (19683) laughingtiger (19582) gormux (19515)
shibboleth (19266) jjholt (19050) Acheron (18970) The_Blode_ (18734) Tylak (18648)
Enlil (18591) dtype (18287) rud0lf (18238) T-X (18214) MrBlue (17994)
Sabotender (17894) Panther (17868) vykt (17721) StrayDog (17682) junebug (17353)
tallguy (17280) jay_sbcv (16883) Kitten_at_XMAS (16226) tinyweasel (16150) kurbus (16125)
Hawker (15857) GekkePrutser (15831) thomas25 (15681) TyC (15671) keir (15661)
UncleJeet (15599) Brothyr (15597) yano (15584) yukip (15583) VelvetBlueEyes (15268)
iMcFly (15166) retrosenator (15082) shamoe (14937) q-q (14826) gneeriiloeepdeer (14752)
skye0_ (14713) WinterFlower (14556) mikk0 (14481) cerbervs (14428) BlueRaptor (14413)
twizzay (14244) Milly (14172) fredi (14167) blackfield (14146) TheFlipside (14121)
shortrounddev (13927) avg_nixos_user (13881) muffin (13780) KeKou (13331) cedra (13181)
Whoopla (13150) MiloTilo (13121) thorium1256 (12977) CobraCommand (12797) mdogg (12663)
wuqs (12496) koenig (12485) manicennui (12364) leifdotwav (12328) CobraK (12323)
c2a1 (12215) adrift (12165) Star2021 (12153) wfpkhc (12089) sheep (12037)
Casper (11790) Limawhiskey (11426) calwig (11425) beamingblue (11422) grumbler (11357)
blackdemon (10990) mijhowl (10828) TheDcoder (10761) cypris (10734) ruin (10648)
SgoSkz (10515) spynxic (10462) APic (10296) junyx (10180) Deltorphin (10159)
rj (10016) Pageant (9913) slimbo (9902) DeFreeZe (9816) x8092 (9734)

By the way, there were 6915 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 yuken - 14581 FloridaMan - 22870 mijowh - 37690 mijowh - 32908
2 Kitten_in_TX - 13402 mijowh - 16105 MetaNova - 22166 FloridaMan - 27777
3 yukiup - 12919 dumptrucktaco - 13298 dumptrucktaco - 20850 FlowerRazorDice - 22658
4 mijowh - 11719 herald - 9986 yuken - 19268 yuken - 22120
5 dave0 - 11414 MetaNova - 9940 FlowerRazorDice - 18600 yukiup - 21139
6 FloridaMan - 11013 yuken - 8795 FloridaMan - 17847 MetaNova - 20367
7 herald - 8792 icedjava37 - 8405 blkshp - 16589 Kitten_in_TX - 16380
8 mlu - 6280 Vultyre - 7322 Kitten_in_TX - 13064 Valeria22 - 10806
9 LooCfur - 6233 tinystoat - 7314 Vultyre - 13015 tinwhiskers - 10053
10 tinwhiskers - 6185 guideX - 5343 Valeria22 - 10438 herald - 8973

Big numbers
Is easyme stupid or just asking too many questions? 64.4% lines contained a question!
Intelo didn't know that much either. 38.3% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was pyrex, who yelled 35.8% of the time!
Another old yeller was xmasjava37, who shouted 31.9% of the time!
It seems that Yonle's shift-key is hanging: 6.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Yonle> GOUTS

potataly just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 6.8% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
Casper brings happiness to the world. 28.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
blackfield isn't a sad person either, smiling 27.8% of the time.
rukusza seems to be sad at the moment: 4.9% lines contained sad faces. :(
rukus is also a sad person, crying 4.4% of the time.
AeonSophia wrote the longest lines, averaging 108.0 letters per line.
##chat average was 42.7 letters per line.
abirkill wrote the shortest lines, averaging 12.1 characters per line.
geode was tight-lipped, too, averaging 12.7 characters.
mijowh spoke a total of 775195 words!
mijowh's faithful follower, FloridaMan, didn't speak so much: 606415 words.
rahsayngahn wrote an average of 71.00 words per line.
Channel average was 7.90 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 yuken (7 names) @yuken, yukenjie, yuken_, FloridaYuken, yuken, +yuken, def_not_yuken
2 hackinghorn (5 names) hacking-haunt, horninghack, hackinghorn, hackhorn, hornhack
3 MetaNova (5 names) the`void, @MetaNova, Magnum, MetaNova, +MetaNova
4 FloridaMan (4 names) tinyfloridaman, FloridaMan, FloridaMancer, +FloridaMan
5 She (4 names) @She, Shelob, She, @Shelob

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 45703 mlu
2 think 37042 tinwhiskers
3 people 35343 mlu
4 would 31440 mlu
5 really 27021 Captainretro
6 because 26819 europa64
7 something 21302 europa64
8 though 19572 Captainretro
9 right 19189 europa64
10 thing 18193 europa64

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 and 225693 nshire
2 They 62307 mlu
3 no 49967 tinwhiskers
4 oh 30373 europa64
5 Them 29205 europa64

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :) 14673 mlu
2 :P 14021 SgoSkz
3 :D 11660 mlu
4 :( 4414 europa64
5 \o/ 4290 yukiup
6 ;) 3627 europa64
7 :-) 3307 greeter
8 :p 2926 yukiup
9 :/ 2396 yukiup
10 :-D 767 greeter

##chat karma
 Nick Karma Good karma by Bad karma by
1 FloridaMan 67 mbiscuit, yune, waylore, jjholt, nekobit, tinytoast, prometheanfire, morgan, emeruby, Kilroy, ... gegoxaren, bobafett, wutno, yuken
2 MetaNova 51 yune, ComputerTech, Kilroy, emeruby, wodencafe, dumptrucktaco, varjack, gspbirel56, yukip, outrageous, ... SupaGamer2017
3 mijowh 48 Valeria22, Aidhan, FalalaloridaMan, spammy, FloridaMan, icedjava37, mwsb, Guimauve, enkeyz, GekkePrutser, ... u9000, KillerWasp, Ferris, live1
4 boobs 38 awesomerly, herald, avg_nixos_user, slim, PennyBlake, yukiup, thiccturkey, HarkTheHerald, MrBlue, VultyreInSnow, ... Kitten_in_TX, woodyj, tjs, gry
5 dumptrucktaco 30 Yurii, unjust, calmclam, laughingtiger, ^-^hi, aspirin, yano, The_Blod-, The_Blode, CaliforniaMan, ...
6 herald 28 mijowh, roosterphant, slimbo, KillerWasp, SineDeviance, spammy, LimeOn, dave0, icedjava37, FloridaMan, ...
7 She 27 mijowh, blkshp, qroolen, shadow255, dumptrucksanta, The_Blode, Vultyre, jay_sbcv, roosterparrot, yune, ...
8 Valeria22 25 MetaNova, fac3, dumptrucktaco, demmy, live1, herald, qroolen, Milly, The_Blode_, Yurii, ... spookuprising
9 Kitten_in_TX 24 shadow255, emeruby, blkshp, kodah, Vicissitude, mijowh, jjholt, machenni, LooCfur, CobraCommand, ...
10 blkshp 22 dave0, icedjava37, FloridaMan, Vicissitude_, LimeOn, Aidhan, machenni_, Snoper_YT_, Valeria22, dreamscached, ... bigdata
11 dave0 19 tinystoat, skuldafn, ComradeStalin, tinwhiskers, blkshp, JBritS, ^-^hi, Kilroy, mijowh, Supavisah, ...
12 Vultyre 19 yano, thiccdaddy, mijowh, catbeard, EmOwl-, blkshp, emeruby, shadow255, dkl9, SupaGamer2017, ...
13 FlowerRazorDice 19 Valeria22, MetaNova, raf-95, riff-IRC, erist, spammy, hackinghorn, varjack, FloridaMan, dave0, ... Aidhan, LimeOn, qwerty, yuken
14 tinwhiskers 19 dumptrucktaco, live1, kurahaupo, FloridaMan, herald, She, Aidhan, MetaNova, Valeria22, hackinghorn, ...
15 icedjava37 17 The_Blode, pirlin, kee, mapbot, mijowh, BlueyHealer, beamingblue, Yurii, LimeOn, herald, ... Trifton_
16 yuken 17 skuldafn, thiccdaddy, mijowh, catbeard, EmOwl-, blkshp, tinwhiskers, roosterphant, Krematorium, FlowerRazorDice, ... hackinghorn, Aidhan
17 mornfall 15 yune, The_Blode, tinwhiskers, calmclam, mijowh, flausch, FloridaMan, dumptrucktaco, icedjava37, herald, ...
18 LooCfur 14 tinwhiskers, Aidhan, calmclam, mijowh, blackfield, live1, FloridaMan, dumptrucktaco, herald, skuldafn
19 spammy 13 dumptrucktaco, demmy, FloridaMan, festive, FlowerRazorDice, herald, MetaNova, riff-IRC, FalalaloridaMan, aspirin, ...
20 yukiup 13 Purplebored, roosterphant, mijowh, jjholt, kee, u9000, junyx, MetaNova, Valeria22, FloridaMan, ... LooCfur
21 guideX 13 Valeria22, MetaNova, herald, dkl9, festive_kurbus, dumptrucktaco, FloridaMan, calmclam, mijowh, roosterphant, ...
22 coffee 12 tinwhiskers, xmasjava37, diophantoz, mijowh, spammy, HarkTheHerald, FloridaMan, Trifton, icedjava37, mornfall, ...
23 JBritS 12 slimbo, FlowerRazorDice, LimeOn, The_Blode, FloridaMan, hackinghorn, The_Blode_, MetaNova, blkshp
24 catbeard 12 dumptrucktaco, duckgoose, Panther, icedjava37, becrel, qwerty, lambshark, riff_IRC, scottpedia, tinystoat, ... FloridaMan
25 tinystoat 12 LimeOn, herald, FloridaMan, dumptrucktaco, dave0, Hoffman, hackinghorn, Valeria22, euouae, slimbo, ...
26 shadow255 11 riff-IRC, mijowh, pandakekok9, Kilroy, MetaNova, herald, The_Blode, yune, shadowdaemon, FloridaMan, ...
27 calmclam 11 FalalaloridaMan, MetaNova, Valeria22, herald, FloridaMan, dumptrucktaco, mijowh, blkshp, roosterphant, HarkTheHerald, ...
28 fac3 11 BlueyHealer, mijowh, shadow255, luca0N, MetaNova, herald, Romster, yune, dumptrucktaco, Kitten_in_TX, ...
29 jessicara 10 scottpedia, dumptrucktaco, becrel, FloridaMan, MrBlue, FlowerRazorDice, yano, The_Blode, hackinghorn, mijowh
30 thiccdaddy 9 FloridaMan, dumptrucktaco, nekobyte, nekonibble, thiccturkey, MetaNova, thiccelf, skye0, mijowh
31 Ferris 9 The_Blode, tinystoat, dumptrucktaco, Vultyre, FloridaMan, yuken, mijowh, MetaNova, blkshp
32 gegoxaren 9
33 AeonSophia 9 LooCfur, CaliforniaMan, FloridaMan, Ferris, BlueyHealer, DunceCotus, mijowh, mapbit, Valeria22
34 dTal 9 The_Blode, FloridaMan, icedjava37, scottpedia, dumptrucktaco, mijowh, The_Blode_, tinwhiskers, Kilroy
35 kee 9 LimeOn, The_Blode, gegoxaren, skyl4rk, FloridaMan, dumptrucktaco, The_Blode_, MetaNova, Valeria22
35 openmiccomedians -1 FlowerRazorDice
34 seagate -1 riff-IRC
33 goodblood -1 mijowh
32 soy_boy -1 FloridaMan
31 sco -1 MetaNova
30 ${jndi -1 luca0N
29 andrewlee -1 david0374
28 jira -1 FloridaMan
27 blowjobs -1 monkeybusiness
26 hi -1 muffin
25 yourself -1 She
24 jari -1 epicgirl
23 miraclewhip -1 FloridaMan
22 metaverse -1 tinystoat
21 flowerrazordices_company -1 FloridaMan
20 Hoffmann -1 Vultyre
19 tacobell -1 mijowh
18 apple -1 Valeria22
16 gooey--&&spicey -1 yukiup
15 php -2 mijowh, MrMattsmind
14 electron -2 luca0N, mijowh
13 js -2 icedjava37 FloridaMan, duuude, mijowh
12 meth -2 FloridaMan, herald
11 +fee -2 luca0N, aspirin
10 twitter -2 tinystoat, mijowh
9 pog -2 woodyj21, FloridaMan
8 babies -3 unjust MetaNova, nix-on-droid, mijowh, FlowerRazorDice
7 facebook -3 tinystoat, rbtEngrDude, FloridaMan
6 turkeybacon -3 Vultyre Yurii, yano, dumptrucktaco, blkshp
5 Windows -3 Vultyre riff-IRC, david0374, drgbr, luca0N
4 node -3 She, gegoxaren, icedjava37
3 tiktok -4 Vultyre redlegion, riff-IRC, david0374, tinystoat, luca0N
2 freenode -4 FlowerRazorDice erist, mijowh, Altomon, david0374, itsmemoria
1 Google -5 roosterphant, luca0N, Valeria22, LimeOn, david0374

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 https://pastebin.com/raw/ntTcx2xb 52 Fenderbassist
2 https://www.weather.gov/sto/ 39 Valeria22
3 https://hypernova.awfulnet.org/chat.html 24 mijowh
4 https://xkcd.com/1357/ 21 Valeria22
5 https://capslockday.org/ 21 yano

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on ##chat!
Wow, no op was taken on ##chat!
No actions in ##chat!
mijowh talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 571 times!
Another lonely one was MetaNova, who managed to hit 359 times.
ErrantEghoul has quite a potty mouth. 4.3% words were foul language.
jdmark also makes sailors blush, 2.3% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 1813299.